Lauryn Hill Makes Me Feel Unwell

Erik Gaderlund (
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 02:42:22 -0800

>Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 01:40:32 +0000
>From: Rob Endersby <>
>Organization: Sitelink Technology
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: "" <>
>Subject: Lauryn Hill Makes Me Feel Unwell

Hmm, she may give me a bit of a tummy ache, but, over all she makes
flipping by MTV tolerable.

>Anyone else feel the same way?
>I love god.. and the marketing dept
>Gimme a break from this dross -
>f*** the radio suckers, f*** MTV. F*** the Grammy shit...
>Even Jay Z is a twat..It's a hard knock royalty check, then I'll launch
>my designer label..

Yes alright break, but, nothing but filler in between.

>My awards for last year/this year - Rawkus, Black Star, Lyricist Lounge
>- Real hip hop

I'd have to go with Rasco "Time waits for no man" on PB Wolf's Stone's Throw

>Best Artwork: Of Course, Dope On Plastic 5

Or "Deeper Concentration" on OM records.

erik g

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