miles and hooker [was Re: St Germain info]

From: Kurt Iveson (
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 01:35:02 MET DST

  • Next message: Mark Allerton: "Re: (amb) OT: CDDB"

    Miles and John Lee Hooker did the soundtrack to a Don Johnson movies in the
    late '80s called 'The Hot Spot'. Lame movie (despite the fact that I think
    it was directed by dennis hopper), fantastic soundtrack ... nice to hear
    them together in a *very* sparse bluesy setting. Not sure whether it is
    still available....

    peace all,

    >Hi people!
    >I finaly got St Germain - Tourist cd and it simply blew me
    >away. There's a track - SURE THING - which has a sample of
    >Miles Davis and John Lee Hooker playing together (Harry's
    >Philosophy). I never heard that Miles Davis and John Lee
    >Hooker did any work together, so if someone knows anything
    >more about them working together please let me know.
    >Do You Yahoo!?
    >Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

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