Re: + The Angel +

From: wesley (
Date: Thu Aug 02 2001 - 23:22:57 CEST

  • Next message: Elson Trinidad: "Re: N'Sync * Craft vs. Art"

    > >Does she only spin dub and reggae (sp?)? She is an amazing DJ and producer. How is her new 60 channels album?

    > Her album should be coming my way soon, but the work she's done with Monday Michiru (a few remixes) are a mix of downtempo and abstract hip hop. I'm sure someone would call it something else but I look forward to hearing more.

    Is Angel's CD already out? I posted a long article on her recent activities on my ML, but didn't read the whole thing. So, this new album, is it her debut? and most importantly, is it original material composed by herself?
    should it be yet another mix album among the hundreds out there, then fogetta bout it... I don't need yet another someone charging $15 to press Playback...


    "No, the fact is, Western pop is the fast food of music, and there is more exciting creative music making going on outside the Western pop tradition than inside it. To restrict your listening to English-language pop is like deciding to eat the same meal for the rest of your life. The 'no-surprise surprise,' as the Holiday Inn advertisement claims, is reassuring, I guess, but lacks kick. " - David Byrne The New York Times, October 3, 1999 article “I Hate World Music” by David Byrne

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